A wide scope of possible medical applications, positive effects including being anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic and a lack of side effects – sounds good, doesn’t it? All of these advantages apply to Cannabidiol (CBD).
Never heard of it? No problem. In this article we will explain you the most important facts about this medical ingredient that might change patients‘ life for the better.
Cannabidiol is one of at least 113 active cannabinoids identified in cannabis. It can be used as a medical ingredient, for example being used in medical dietary supplements prescribed to patients.
Cannabidiol could be very beneficiary for modern medicine. Clinical reports are showing that CBD is almost free of any side-effects making it easy and pleasant to use for patients. For instance and most importantly Cannabidiol doesn’t interfere with motorical or psychological functions.
Studies show that THC-dominant cannabis, the one most commonly used in the past, imposes a high risk regarding psychotic disorders. Cannabidiol, however, manages to reduce those kind of problems. In fact, studies show that CBD might have an antipsychotic effect instead of causing the patient any psychotic problems. CBD thus has a reversed effect regarding side-effects encountered when using THC-dominant cannabis. Furthermore studies have proven Cannabidiol’s safety for doses of up to 1500 mg/day.
Two conditions CBD has proven very useful for are the Dravet syndrome, a rare form of Epilepsy, and Schizophrenia.
The Dravet syndrome is a rare and calamitous form of Epilepsy and starts impacting persons concerned at a very young age. Treatment of this condition has been very hard to impossible in the past. Cannabidiol might be a game changer for the Dravet syndrome. Studies have shown that the number of seizures for patients using CBD products has been astonishingly decreasing when using CBD products.
Furthermore, Cannabidiol could be a way to finally treat schizophrenia in a better way as well. Researches that are currently at an early stage are showing possible positive impacts on the treatment of schizophrenia. THC-dominant cannabis cannot be used for treating this kind of disorder as it can have psychotic problems as a side effect. Cannabidiol can be a new way of solving schizophrenic medical disorders as psychoses are none of its side effects and CBD, in fact, has a antipsychotic effect on the patient.
Growers will have to change their mindset regarding cannabis. So far cannabis rich in THC and therefore low in cannabidiol was preferred by customers for its mind-altering effects. With the rise of medical CBD and therefore the need for cannabis with little THC however growers will have to change their breeding methods in the future. They will have to alter the ratio CBD-to-THC in order to meet patients‘ new needs regarding medical products.
Especially US farmers, who are batteling falling demand for tobacco products, are recognizing the trend towards profit promising so called hemp. Psychoactive marijuana is derived from the flower of genus cannabis, while non-psychoactive hemp (also called industrial hemp) is any part oft he genus cannabis plant that contains a THC concentration of no more than 0.3%. Farmers thus have to adhere to strict standards in order to produce marijuana that lies under this threshold and are increasingly changing their production methods. Some states have even initiated research and investment programmes trying to increase the amount of CBD in marijuana produced in their state further increasing the production of such plants.
Aside farmers who are responding to changes in demand and production needs, companies are realizing the trend towards CBD as well and are heavily investing in research and production.
Research regarding cannabidiol is only at its start, but promising results regarding its effects, lacking side-effects and possible advantages have already been discovered. However, what is ist legal status?
Policy makers have in the past had to understand the difference between „medical marijuana“ from the one teenagers are using to get a feeling of being „high“. As well said policy makers are now in the process of understanding an even more significant difference: the difference between „medical marijuana“, that can cause severe side-effects (especially psychotic disorders), and „medical CBD“, that is free of said problems. CBD does not cause the feeling of being “high” that is associated with the ∆9-THC in marijuana and so far no other side-effects have been discovered in the on-going research. Cannabidiol must therefore be treated differently by policy makers.
Most countries have understood the significant differences and are treating CBD favourably so far:
US – in the most recent years there has been a lot of activity in the United States regarding the legalization of industrial marijuana. Currently 11 states have legalized its production while many others are piloting research projects. Furthermore some oft he regulations for CBD medications waiting for FDA-approval have been eased recently.
Canada – Cannabidiol is allowed as a prescription medication.
Australia – prescription medicine for therapeutic use containing less than 2% of common cannabinoids are allowed.
UK – Cannabidiol as part of medication against severe spasticity due to multiple sclerosis has been allowed.
EU – Cannabidiol is listed in EU Cosmetics Ingredient Database.
Research for Cannabidiol is only at its beginning, but a lot of advantages and possible use cases have already been discovered. Stay up to date with what else this new medical marijuana can do fort he patients out there.